Concert - FERUARY 7, 2020
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EXPEDITION...Ark of the Covenant
Click on any of the artists name or picture for a bio and music samples
Alan Frink
Aver Harreld
Charles David Smart
Curt Collins
Darryl Richmond
Dorothy Ann Robbie
Eldon Wright
Francine Bond
Greg Lockridge
Jeff Cleghorn
Jerry Bennett
John P. Cramer
Larry Ford
Mark Anthony Brown
Marla Ratliff
Michael Wayne Smith
Mitch Ruth
Rick Alan King
Ron Brewer
Sharon Hardman
Tammy Jones Robinette
Ashley Yoder
Becky Wright
Bev McCann
Chuck Crain
Danny Funderburk
Dennis Gwizdala
Donnie Sumner
Finley Duke
Glenn Baker
Jamie Tolley
Jill Layne
Keith Plott
Lorne Matthews
Mark Lanier
Michael Bright
Mitch Chandran
Neil Pope
Ricky Luster
Shannon Bunch
Squire Parsons
Terry Blackwood