I would like to first and for most thank God for sending his son Jesus to die on that old rugged cross for me. For without my savior none of this would be possible. My name is Mark A. Brown. I was born 1974 in Hopkins Co. Kentucky. My parents are Tony and Helen Brown and I have a younger brother Brian Brown. I grew up in church my whole life. My father and mother made sure that my brother and I where always attending church. I was saved at the age of ten. I remember sitting in that pew at Bueluh Baptist church and my heart just about to pound out of my chest as Brother Barry Cullin gave the invitation. Praise God I did not run from it I went down to that alter and accepted Jesus in my heart. When I got older I had always loved music. I wrote several country songs and was singing at different places. I was singing at bars, summer jams whatever I thought would make me rich and famous and get all the girls doing country music. There was no doubt in my mind that I had been given a gift to write songs and sing however it was not for the glory of our Lord it was for my glory. I did not sing at church in the choir or any solo’s and was asked to on several occasions but couldn’t wait to sing where there was alcohol and whatever else and that was a mistake that would haunt me for a long time. I believe with all my heart that God took that talent away from me as quickly as he gave it to me. I could not write a song or sing, I could not even write a poem. I lost my dream of music, because knowing that I could not write, but still not truly knowing or believing the reason why, I lost interest in music all together. I occasionally attended church here and there as I moved around to different places due to my job, but I was definitely not the Christian I should have been, not even close. I was constantly drinking alcohol, my mouth was an embarrassment to most people and I did not know even who I was. The only thing that was great during this time of my life was another gift from God, my precious daughter Keeley. A gift I am sure saved me from all kinds of ruins cause I wanted to be a great dad, I wanted to be home with her. I was still a good person I would help anyone I could but good works will get you no where if your heart is not right and friends good works or being just a good person will not get you into heaven. With my life going 100 mph and spinning out of control I was headed down a road that I did not want to be on. Having marital troubles, financial troubles just one thing right after another, I did not know what to do or where I was going and that’s were it really gets interesting. Out of the blue I contacted a neighbor friend of mine and asked if she maybe knew a preacher I could talk to. I was contacted by her preacher and he talked to me and prayed with me over the phone. What a relief I felt throughout my whole body. I felt better for a bit and then just let it go and things seemed to get worse and worse and then it happened. Lying on my bed late one night I was changing the channels on TV when I came across these singers that immediately caught my attention. You might have heard of them, The Crabb Family. I was listening to their music when I was brought to tears like I had never known. I had abandoned God; turning my back to him to do my thing, my way. The Holy Spirit filled my house, grabbed hold of me and I begged for God’s forgiveness and to lead me where he wanted me to be, I would be his no matter what the cost. I started attending New Union Baptist Church where I publicly rededicated my life to the Lord. I have to say Praise God what a difference my life has been. It did not mean that my life became a bed of roses because of all the destruction that I allowed Satan to put in my life but the awesome peace and change that it made in me to be walking hand in hand with the Father again. I handled everything different; I prayed about everything and asked if it be your will God let it be. It is so unexplainable that it is awesome. This time I did not turn my back to him, when trouble came I gave it to him and thanked and praised him for what he was going to do with it. I am proud to say that almost immediately something started going off in my heart and mind. IT WAS A SONG. God the Father after all these years gave me a song to write and sing, I called it "Witness" because that is what I want to be for our Lord and Savior. When I got done with that one he gave me another and then another. I started singing in the church choir and eventually doing solo’s. God had given me back my love for music and my dream of doing music for his amazing Glory. I am so thankful for his love, mercy and grace. I know that Jesus loves me so much because I do not deserve anything he has given me. I remember that everyday and I am so thankful to him. He has opened so many doors for me. I still have trials daily but my love and faith in my Heavenly Father helps me overcome them and stay strong in his word, for I walk with him daily, I talk to him daily. He never left me before he was always there I was the one who strayed away. I love Jesus and I pray that he will use me in any way that glorifies him. It is my prayer that anyone that does not know Jesus as their personal savior get to know him today, anyone who has strayed away, he is there turn back to him he is waiting to bless your life. God sent his only son to die on the cross for you and me. Your life will be changed forever if you allow him to. If you are lost, today is the day of Salvation; you do not have to go through what you’re going through without a sense of peace and love. Call on God today, ask him to come into your heart and ask for forgiveness of your sins, you will not be sorry, I serve an amazing God and he loves us all. I pray that God will use me as his servant for his glory that I may reach as many people as possible with his word through song. I love you all and God Bless.