My Name is Dorothy Ann Robbie. I have always loved to sing and in 2004, during a Women’s meeting at my church, God gave me my first song, but I was going through some difficult times. Through His Words and the compassion I felt in music, I found more than just a voice, I found my deepest and closest friend… Jesus Christ!
Now I am married to my wonderful husband Ken, and I have one son. I have grown and developed a wonderful relationship with my Lord. He has taken me through many battles, and brought me out of many storms. He has remained faithful, and showed me that I am nothing without Him! Because of Him, I have taught Women’s Bible Studies, Seminars, given Sermons and sang for both the young and young at heart, and even made a smile or two!
It is because of His direction and guidance that I have come to understand that God has a plan for me. However, where that plan is… only the Father Himself can say. It is my heart and desire that not one soul be lost. Even if that means to win one soul at a time. He has put a song in my heart, a voice in my soul, and a love for Him that will endure the loneliest darkest night…. He is my Lord… Jesus!
Psalm 89:1 I will sing of the Lord’s unfailing love forever! Young and old will hear of your faithfulness.