It all started with a dreamer. A mother who had been told she could have no more children. But yet, in her dreams she saw the face of a child. And in an orphanage in Little Rock, Ark., she found the face of 6-month-old Curt Collins. From the beginning, pop/rock artist Curt Collins acknowledges the crucial role that adoption plays in his ministry and musical calling. His songs are an ode of sorts to the parents who raised him—heroic in Collins’ eyes. And while he praises the work of fellow Christian artists such as Steven Curtis Chapman and Mark Schultz who have done so much on behalf of adoption advocacy, Collins claims his mission is slightly unique. He has a specific burden for special needs kids—a burden he hopes to see come alive in his dream of starting The Love Unconditional Foundation (named after a song on his self-titled debut). Though The Love Unconditional Foundation is still only in the dreaming stages, Collins’ vision for ways to help others continues to expand. “The Love Unconditional Foundation would be set up to help families that have adopted special needs children into the family,” says Collins. “I feel like God is going to put the right people in the right place to do that. I don’t know what God’s going to do with it, but He does grant the desires of our heart, I think.” Collins is no stranger to pursuing the desires of his heart. With a degree in music education, he was a public school band director for four years. He then went into the business of financial services before realizing that he needed to make music his full-time pursuit. “My passion is touching people’s lives through music,” Collins adds.
Aside from the accomplishments he’s already achieved, Collins counts his success in different ways. Letters from fans and friends continue to inspire his music, and his passion for special needs kids fuels his fire for his vocation. In the end, he simply hopes to encourage people just like himself who are dealing with the gritty stuff of life—marriage, kids, passion and faith. “I hope that listeners can turn to God in times of trouble—that He is their safe harbor, that He is their hiding place,” says Collins. “If they are at the right place in their lives, regardless of where they are in life’s journey, God’s just not going to leave them alone. He’s not going to abandon them or forsake them.”