I come from a family of 6 brothers and 4 sisters, growing up as a small child I would travel with my father as he would preach on the street corners, pastor a church and do God!s work. He told me I had a calling on my life and one day I would be a preacher. I didn't belive him and ran from God for many years. I knew there had come a time in my life that I had to make a decision to either continue in the world or live for Jesus. I had many opportunities, and I would be in for awhile, then right back out in the world.
I knew this time the Lord was dealing with me this was it. I had to make a decision, the Lord was tired of me playing games, and I knew this was it. I decided to turn my life over to him, and since then I have been blessed and am preaching and singing God's word. I was in revival in Perris Calif in Sept of 2010, and in October I was scheduled for a hip replacement, I told the Lord I know you can heal me, and you know I don't want to have this surgery, but if you don't heal me I will serve you anyway.
On Friday morning in a litlte church in the rock in Perris, California an old pastor was there as we were ministering to those that were there for the food pantry, he had lost his wife a year ago, and had been struggling with it, we spoke for some time, and before we left he came up to me and laid his hand on my hip and said In The Name of Jesus, everything is gonna be alright, and instantly a warming came over my body and God miraculous healed me, we were shouting and praising Him for what he had done. God is no respecter of persons, he still heals today, he still saves today and he still sets the captive free I'm so thankful that he chose me and is using me in a way I could never imagine only because I am a willing vessel I love him and its my desire to serve Him until he takes me home, which I know his coming is soon.