Family harmony has long been a mainstay in Gospel music, and the Harper Trio represents another chapter in its long history. The Trio was formed in 2001 and consists of brothers Chip and Flip, along with Chip's wife, Marion. Raised in the home of a Southern Baptist minister, the Harper boy learned at an early age to sing harmony with their dad, mom, and older sister. Their dad, Rev. Alton Harper, has been singing not only with his family, but with numerous gospel groups since his high school days. Chip once said that he didn't know there was a radio in the family car for a long time because they always sang together as they went from place to place. Marion was also raised in a Christian home, and was heavily influenced by her father's love of music and began singing at an early age. When Chip and Marion met as teenagers, a mutual love of music became a strong bond in their relationship, but gospel music wasn't the focus. Chip and Marion, as well as Flip, spent a number of years performing secular music, but in 2001, God laid it on their hearts to sing for His glory. Having no sound equipment to use, the Trio began singing acappella at their own church, Union Grove Baptist Church, for every opportunity that arose.
Soon, God began to expand their territory and other churches requested the group come sing for various events, such as revivals and homecomings. God blessed the group through love offerings from these churches, and the Trio was able to acquire sound equipment and musical accompaniment to expand their repertoire. In the ten years since the call to spread the Gospel through their musical talents, the group has been amazed and overwhelmed by God's blessings and grace on their lives.
God has promised " give us our heart's desires...", and it is the desire of this Trio to witness for the Lord through music and testimony wherever He may lead them.