The ministry of the Bledsoe’s began when the youngest Bledsoe brother, Jonathan, started singing at the age of two years old. His brother, Rodney, began singing harmony with Jon when Rodney was six years old. Homer Childress, otherwise known as Papa, would play the guitar and sing the third part. At the ages of thirteen, the year Rodney accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior, and nine, the brothers would suffer a great loss, the loss of their father in an automobile accident. Papa felt as though this would be the end of their singing, but thankful today, Papa will relate not only did the Bledsoe Brothers continue singing, their schedule doubled. By this point in time, Rodney had begun to play the piano by note, as well as by ear. Then Jonathan decided to learn the bass guitar. Around 1992 something happened. The crowds no longer saw the little boys who could carry three part harmony but adolescent men who were in a transition point in their ministry. Jonathan was a freshman in high school and Rodney a freshman in college. It was during this time God began to deal with the Bledsoes in a way He never had before. He did something that most of us, as Christians know about, He placed a calling and a burden on their lives. This is when they recorded their first project “A New Beginning”, which best described how they felt. Since then The Bledsoes have completed 6 more projects and have seen many lives changed by their ministry. In 1995, the group was blessed with another change. Their cousin, Robert Freeman, began to play the keyboards and sing.
Robert now handles most all of the bus driving duties and handles the baritone part on stage. Charity Bobbitt now handles the soprano part for The Bledsoes. Charity and her husband, Preston have three children, Brianna, Chandler and Cameron. Charity has been singing in churches since she was four years old and playing the piano since the age of ten. These changes have very much added to the variety of their ministry.
Above all The Bledsoes are interested in the souls they have seen saved through the years, the winning of more souls to Christ and the blessing of their brothers and sisters in Christ. It is plain to see and hear this desire not only while talking with them, but in their concerts as well. They know that it is not their own abilities that these goals are accomplished, but through God’s abilities manifested in their lives.