Rev. Richard L. Reffeitt Preaching the D. B. R (death, burial, resurrection) not a gospel of psychology, reducing salvation to self- esteem, sin to maladjustment, church to group therapy, and Jesus to Dear Abby - the preaching is straight from the Holy, inspired, inerrant Word of God. We must listen to that "still small voice" as the Holy Spirit speaks. Someone who'll speak directly, with warmth and insight, about life where we live it. That's Richard - he's your main man for this hour! What sort of style does Evangelist Richard have? For years folks have been saying he makes things sound so simple, he preaches so that even a child can understand; preaches on practical things, right down where folks live, yet profound scriptural truths!
Loretta Reffeitt
Ministering with a passion to uplift HIS HOLY NAME. Serving gospel music with an extraordinary zest with just the right ingredients for true worship: National recording solo artist. Having encouraged the hearts of Americans for 30 years. Their versatile style has afforded them opportunities to share the Gospel nationwide offering hope in JESUS CHRIST and spread encouragement to those in need. Their simple yet progressive edge reflects a deep love for capturing the heart with harmony of life in CHRIST.
A good 'ole dose of the gospel is what you'll get when you hear Loretta. A Christian lifestyle that must remain the backbone of our nation's mentors; a ministry of integrity - focused with freshness for the times. You've read about her in major Gospel publications; heard her on national radio; seen her on TV; followed her in the concert arena. Now you can hear her live in concert.