New Day is a group of Christians who come from varied walks of life. We
are saved and we know it. We have all committed our lives to the propagation of
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and will not be swayed from that purpose.
We do not aspire to be “stars” and are certainly not driven by greed. We do encourage you to prayerfully consider us for a concert at your church;
not because of who we are but because of who we represent. We aspire to present
the gospel in song and testimony in such a way as to compel those who hear us
to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The success of this happening is up to the church and the congregation.
It is important for the congregation to get excited about and pray about the
concert. Above all it is needful for them to compel their lost neighbors, loved
ones, friends, people they work with, etc. to come. This could be the beginning
of a new life of learning about the Lord at your Church from the Pastor who is
given this word from God. It is our desire to see the lost come to know the Lord and that is our
purpose and calling. Until we meet (here or above), may the Lord richly bless you and give
you souls for His harvest.