Duane and Zelma Sikes have been writing music and singing together nearly since they met. Duane’s musical ability and talent for songwriting began to blend with Zelma’s musical background and lyricism. God put the two of them together and they have been making music together ever since! "We love to write, record and sing together." They feel their music is not just for themselves but also for the ones who have an ear for God's word and desire the truth. "Come out of her my people!" Their endeavor is for their music to be heard and to bless all that hear and feel it. Duane and Zelma currently have two CD’s on the market, Divine and By His Hand, with a third CD already in the works. Their music is available on iTunes as well as CD Baby, or you can just contact the artists directly at ... (270) 217-6116 or email ... [email protected] ... to order a copy.